Friday, 13 January 2012

Numeracy - Fractions

Hi all

Next week in Numeracy (w/c 15.1.12) we are learning about Fractions. Your child would have covered this before but as a bit of revision they will really enjoy playing 'Fraction Flags'. It covers half and quarter (but you can change it to make it more challenging) and they would have seen it before in class. Please follow the link and have a go:

Just click on the colour with the fraction on and colour the flag with that colour, making sure you only colour the fraction of the flag the colour tells you to!

They'll enjoy this one too:

They'll figure this one out easily! Just make sure the numerator (top number) is how many are coloured in yellow and the denominator (bottom number) is how many segments there are altogether (white and coloured yellow).

Hope they have fun!

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