Friday, 24 February 2012

Spring Fair

Hi everyone

Please, please remember to donate prizes for the year 4 stall at the spring fair. We are in charge of the Tombola stall and have only had one prize donated so far!

The spring fair is on Thursday 8th March, see you there.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Science - Habitats.

Hi everyone

the end of this week brings the end of another science topic and the children have been learning about habitats of different animals and the food chains that exist.

If your child wants to do some science revision over the weekend, here are some links to science games related to habitats and food chains:

Food chains (producers and consumers):

Chose a foodchain on the left, click and drag the inages to the right spot:

Science clips habitat games:


Friday, 10 February 2012

IPC - Active Planet.

In IPC we have been learning about volcanoes and earthquakes. Over the last 2 weeks we have made volcanoes out of Modroc and used Coco Pops, red food colouring, Bicarbonate of Soda and Vinegar to cause a chemical reaction for our volcanoes to erupt - take a look at the fun they had:

This is a video showing the chemical reaction that all the children had when erupting their volcanoes:

Enjoy - And don't forget to ask your child all about it!

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Year 4 Residential Trip.

Hi All

The residential trip was absolutely fantastic - I'm sure your child has given you all the details by now! Everyone had a great time and took part in all of the activities. We have taken lots of photos so if you would like to bring in a memory stick nearer the end of the week, I will copy them all for you. For now, I have put a very small sample of the photos I took:

Backwards on Mega Death!
Alex on Mega Death!
On the way to sand board!
We've got to carry this back!
Camp fire songs.
Kayak Instruction.
That was fun!
Fun rolling down Mega Death!

 I'm not an expert on blogging yet and I tried to put these in order - without success!! It also keeps moving them around to different places! I'm sure your child can let you know what's happening in each.
